Peace Sisters Provides 100 Solar Lamps to Students without Electricity
“More of the Peace Sisters girls passed their exams this year because for the first time they could study at night!” – Mr. Yampoadebe, President of Peace Girls in Togo
During a recent field visit to Togo by Tina Kampor (President) and Alastair Greeves (Treasurer), Peace Sisters rolled out a pilot program that provides solar study lamps to girls who do not have electricity in their homes. In April, two kinds of solar lamps were distributed to students attending schools in two villages. A few months later, some of the girls switched lamps with each other in order to compare the benefits of each type.
50 solar lamps that are designed for individual study were brought over to Togo from California through a generous grant of 25 lamps from the Carpinteria Morning Rotary Club of Carpinteria, CA and a matching donation of 25 lamps from Doni and Randall Heyn-Lamb. An additional 50 solar lamps were sourced from a local business in the city of Kara, Togo.
Feedback from the girls has been resoundingly positive, and many of those who passed their exams this year attributed their success to the ability to study after the sun went down. Peace Sisters plans to expand this solar lamp program in the future, and we will continue the cost-benefit analysis of all available forms of solar lamps.
Thank you to all of our donors who supported this new initiative!