Sure Shot Raises £3,000...
And They Had a Great Time Doing it!!
We are humbled by the continued efforts of music lovers everywhere who find brilliant ways to not only enjoy their time together, but also find good excuses to throw a smashing good time - and what better excuse to party than raising funds for Girls' Education in West Africa!?!
For several years running, the Sure Shot Beastie Boys fangroup has consistently stepped up to support Peace Sisters. Starting with a simple Facebook fundraiser in 2021, followed by their first Gala in Sheffield in 2022, the group redoubled their efforts by teaming up with MCA-Day for an even bigger Gala in London in 2024!
Thank You for your unwavering support through your fanzine sales and social media campaigns - your most recent contribution will help 95 Togolese Girls attend school this year!
And, of course, Thank You to Kathleen & Adam who recorded this video that played during the event and donated items for the auction!!