Annual Report: 2021-22
A Time to Grow
Peace Sisters saw excellent growth in our fifth year as a formally recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Our work continued in the Dapaong region of Togo, West Africa under the following categories:
School Fees & Learning Materials
442 girls were supported with school fee payments & school supplies.
31 students studied at the higher education level (e.g., university or trade school).
15 girls pursued apprenticeships (e.g., sewing or hairdressing).
Solar Study Lamps
50 girls received locally sourced solar lamps so they could study after sunset.
105 girls received new school uniforms that were sewn by local seamstresses.
Computer Lab
450+ girls were invited over the summer break to start learning basic computer literacy skills so they will be prepared to pursue a higher education.
5 computers and accessories were partially funded by a grant from Friends of Togo.
Menstrual Supplies
450+ girls received maxi-pads to prevent absenteeism from school buildings that lack bathrooms with running water.
Health Insurance
450+ girls received basic health insurance that allowed them access to urgent care clinics and wellness visits.
Covid's Impact on Success
In the 2021-22 school year, we saw the overall success rate of the girls increase to 82% (compared to 66% the previous year), and 25 Seniors passed the strenuous BAC-2 exam to graduate from high school. Covid was a major disruption for most students, and Peace Sisters decided to take a proactive approach to reverse the downward trend that had emerged.
In February, in partnership with the Togoelese Ministry of Education, we launched a pilot tutoring program to provide extra learning opportunities for girls enrolled in the three grades that require success on high stakes exams in order to pass. The results of this initiative are compelling:
Looking Ahead
Our planning for the 2022-23 school year has shifted in the following ways:
Higher Education
With 55 girls eligible to pursue University or Trade School this year, we are focusing our attention on how we can better meet the needs of these distinguished students.
With a grant from the US Embassy in Togo, we are expanding our tutoring program to span most of the school year.
Field Visit
Our Founder, Tina Kampor, and Secretary, Jennifer Kanady, plan to visit Togo to help inspire the girls and continue to study how we can improve our program.
Tina visits the Peace Girls in Dapaong, Togo
The 2022-23 school year began in late September in Togo, and we are thrilled to see the students thrive again. We are so appreciative of the enthusiasm of our individual donors, and we are truly humbled by the efforts of our Ambassador, Kathleen Hanna, who promotes us through her T-shirt company, Tees4Togo. The future remains bright at Peace Sisters!