Annual Report: 2020-21
Solar Study Lamps
First College Graduate
Peace Sisters saw excellent growth in our fourth full year as a formally recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Our work continued in the Dapaong region of Togo, West Africa under the following categories:
School Fees & Learning Materials
472 girls were supported with school fee payments & school supplies.
14 students studied at the higher education level (i.e., University or Trade School).
One student earned her college diploma from CFRAV (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso).
Solar Study Lamps
100 girls without electricity received solar study lamps that are strong enough to be shared by their whole households, allowing them to study after the sun sets.
Lamps were locally sourced through Jeunes Volontaires Pour L’Environment and were funded both through a grant from Friends of Togo and by individual donors.
ID Cards for Access to
Higher Education
Many of the students in our program do not have birth certificates because they were born at home. The lack of ID Cards later becomes a barrier to entry for enrolling in higher education, so we have continued the labor-intensive process of assembling this documentation.
38 additional ID cards were obtained this year for a total of 278 completed.
Menstrual Supplies
To prevent absenteeism from school buildings which lack bathroom facilities with running water, we provided menstrual pads to all the girls.
We continued to explore options for teaching local seamstresses to fabricate reusable menstrual supplies that will be more sustainable and create less waste.
Health Insurance
472 girls received basic health insurance that allowed them access to urgent care clinics and wellness visits.
Older girls received reproductive health training to prevent early pregnancy.
Covid's Impact on Success
Though schools were able to re-open in Togo last year, they functioned in a limited capacity to reduce the number of students in classrooms. Teachers often had to split their classes in half and repeat their lessons during an evening session, often limiting their availability to assist struggling learners. Despite these burdens, the students persevered, and we are especially thrilled to celebrate the 18 girls who passed the strenuous Bac-2 exam that will allow them to graduate high school and move on to higher education opportunities! Additionally, the very first girl whom we supported at the higher education level graduated from her program in Performing Arts and we anticipate she will move on to an inspiring career.
Girls Receive Solar Lamps at Sibortoti Middle School
Looking Ahead
Our planning for the 2021-22 school year has shifted in the following ways:
Higher Education
With 31 girls eligible to pursue University or Trade School this year, we are focusing our attention on how we can better meet the needs of these distinguished students.
Many of the girls’ school uniforms are threadbare and in need of replacement.
Field Visit
Our Founder, Tina Kampor, plans to visit Togo this school year to help inspire the girls and continue to study how we can improve our program.
The 2021-22 school year began in late September in Togo, and we are thrilled to see the students thrive again. We are so appreciative of the enthusiasm of our individual donors, and we are truly humbled by the efforts of our Ambassador, Kathleen Hanna, who promotes us through her T-shirt company, Tees4Togo. The future remains bright at Peace Sisters!