An Excellent Start to 2023
Listening to Feedback...
Right from the Source!
The Girls Know Best...
Peace Sisters has always believed that the best way to support girls in Togo is to hear them. That's why improvements to our program are always locally driven, and that's why Founder Tina Kampor always prioritizes meeting with the girls face to face.
During their January visit, Tina & Jennifer Kanady (Board Secretary) called a general meeting with hundreds of Peace Girls in Dapaong. They also met with many girls on an individual basis and visited them in their schools.
The Peace Girls shared resounding appreciation for the expansion of our Tutoring Program and the new Computer Lab. But there is always room for improvement, and the girls expressed concern about obstacles they continue to face.
How We Are Listening...
High Stakes Testing is a source of anxiety for students all over the world. In Togo, passing a single test can mean the difference between moving on to the next grade or being eligible to apply for college.
Peace Sisters has made great strides in helping girls prepare for their exams through access to intensive Tutoring Sessions and Solar Study Lamps. But the girls have now identified reliable access to a quiet study space as an impediment to their success.
Fortunately, with the expansion of our new Computer Lab, Peace Sisters has found an organic solution to this concern. We are working on keeping the Computer Lab open for longer hours and allowing it to also serve as a Library and Community Center for the girls to continue to support each other.
And Coming Soon...
Peace Sisters has taken the health and wellbeing of the girls in our program very seriously from the very start, and we have always included students with disabilities in our program. We believe that disability is a construct of our environment, and there is no limit to how much anyone can learn if she has access to the right materials.
And now, we are further expanding our inclusion initiatives to provide educational accommodations for two exceptional young students. These two girls have persevered for many years to overcome a learning environment that was not designed to accommodate their blindness.
We are so impressed by these determined young scholars, and we are in the process of identifying appropriate reading materials in braille to further facilitate their success. The sky is the limit!
Thank You for All Your Support!
Whether through buying a t-shirt from Tees4Togo or donating directly to Peace Sisters, none of this would be possible without your help.